Polaroid Week Roundup - Urizen Freaza | Film Shooters Collective

Polaroid Week Roundup - Urizen Freaza

Dear FSC friends, this is Urizen Freaza,

Polaroid Week (or Roid Week, I don't know if there's a brand thingy there or not!) is for me the ultimate celebration of instant photography. And i love it. I should maybe put it in capital letters, because that's how I feel: I LOVE it. It's for me 'that time of the year', like other people talk about Halloween or Christmas.

It feels like a (virtual) gathering where you see old faces and find out what they've been up to. But more importantly, you get to discover new instant artists you didn't know about. It feels social, like a party. But moreover, it's about showing your best work. Because you can only show 12 instant photos in 6 days, and they must be new, unpublished. It pushes you to shoot and... to select. I love that. It's about community and pushing the boundaries of instant photography.

It started in 2006, but i was not on Flickr back then, so I only found out about it around the time Polaroid announced the end of production. Roid Week worked for me as a revivification of the medium and as a sort of support group at the time. And since then, it has only grown. A big shoutout to the team behind it. Long live Polaroid Week!

Here's a (painfully-hard-to-do) roundup of the Instagram photos submitted using the hashtag #fscpolaroid. Please go check the artist's profiles, and if you like, follow them and show them love. And more importantly, check the Polaroid Week pool on Flickr , on Twitter , and on Instagram .

I hope to see your instant photos there next year!!!


Urizen Freaza was born in Tenerife in 1982 and is since 2010 based in Berlin. He's a self-taught photographer and film-maker. Self-taught meaning that this is a path he's still walking, while hoping there is always more path to walk. He's a member of the Film Shooters Collective and part of the team behind the analogueNOW! festival in Berlin. See more of his work on his website and on Instagram.