curated photo stream

Back Roads | Jen Brimmage

Country backroads have long been a place of peace and comfort for me, from the age of 13 when I would ride my bicycle down the turnrows of the cotton fields, to current day when I find myself taking the long way home after a stressful day. I always find a soothing solitude along these lonely roads.

I grew up in west Texas, and often found myself yearning to head to New Mexico. There's some magic in finding that you're the only car for miles, surrounded by the glory of the desert.

Somewhere in Texas | Olympus om1 | 50mm | Leah Curtis

Billy Henry's 'Untitled' feels like we've already arrived somewhere out west, and I can't help but wonder who used that gas pump for the final time. What is it about quiet, isolated places that evoke a yearning in me? It's a release from the digital busy-ness and constant demands of my daily life.

Untitled | Pentax 645nii | SMC Pentax fa 1 4.5 45-85mm | Billy Henry

And we continue on down the road, windows down, music up, hand waving slowly in the wind with the freedom to let go of anything we left behind.

New Mexico | Olympus om1 | gzuiko 35 | Paul O'Neill

Just An Open Road | Minolta SRT100b | Rokkor 50mm | Tiziana Venturi

Sometimes, the only way to find clarity is to get in the car and drive. No destination in mind, just the journey.

Speeding | Pentax k1000 50mm f2 | Rachael Machnee

Moonlit Dirt Road | Canon AE1 35mm | Destry Rose

Because even during the hard times, the long hours when you can't seem to find the answers, there's always rest to be found down a solitary back road.

Uphill | Voigtlander Superb TLR | Hank Beckmeyer

Waiting for spring | Rolleiflex 2.8e Xenotar 80mm f2.8 |Jess Hobbs

Since there's no specific destination, I promise it's never time wasted.

Dead End | Hasselblad 503cx Zeiss 80mm 2.8 | Kodak TriX 400 | Michael Hertz


Film photographer and back road enthusiast Jen Brimmage is based in Texas. Connect with her on her instagram.

Holiday Cheer | Katya Rowny

The joy of brightening other lives becomes for us the magic of the holidays.” – W.C. Jones

Some of my fondest holiday memories are from my childhood and the traditions that my family would partake in. As I grew older and the traditions fell away, I found myself wanting to re-create those wonderful moments with my own family. I realized that the joy I felt as a kid was the togetherness of family and feeling like I belonged. So during this season of whimsical jubilation, my wish for you is that you are able to find your own pocket of holiday cheer in whatever form that takes. From all of us here at Film Shooters Collective, Happy Holidays to you and yours!

BY: Sarah Jean

BY: Sabine Kranich

BY: Mark Brady

BY:  Terry Kellam

BY:  Sarah Kivell


Katya Rowny is an analog photographer based in the PNW. You can find her work on her website.

Morning Routine | Katya Rowny

For my first curated photostream I chose the topic of “morning routine”. I often think of myself as a creature of habit with my one cup of coffee every morning, usually staring out the window pondering the day’s to-do list. I have to remind myself that sometimes the simple and mundane are the most beautiful. With this photostream we get to have a glimpse into other people's everyday lives. From Natalie’s photo of her chair and coffee cup in the sun to Marina’s breakfast on the go photo, these glances help remind us of the beauty in the everyday. Thank you to everyone who submitted, it is always a joy to see and share your work!


Film photographer Katya Rowny is based in the Pacific Northwest. Connect with her and see more of her work on her Instagramand website.