Simeon Smith

Simeon Smith

Hi, my name is Simeon, I write and perform electronic music, produce and play bass for other artists, and take an old Leica camera from 1938 everywhere with me. I’m a bit of a hoarder. As well as an old camera collection and crates full of vinyl, I also have a weakness for guitar pedals and designer toys.

I’m really passionate about social justice and personal development, both my own and other people’s. I’ve learnt so much in the last few years, and love watching others learn. Luckily for me, I work at a University. 

I can’t really swim. I mean, I can stay afloat and thrash about until I get somewhere, but I can’t do any proper strokes. 

I grew up Spain, but haven’t been back there for 7 years now. I was homeschooled by my fundamentalist Christian parents and still struggle with a weird concept of God. I punctuate my sentences with “y’know?” and catch myself doing it all the time. It drives me insane, y’know? I find it hard to forgive myself. I’ve been trying to read a Noam Chomsky book for about 6 months. 

I have flat feet and double jointed thumbs. I’m terrified of harsh fringes, and can’t look people in eyes if their eyebrows are obscured by a fringe. If I’m bored, I eat. 

My wife is the coolest person I know, and our three kids are the most fun-loving people I’ve ever met. That said, I’ve been tired for 8 years now. We have a pet tortoise, his name is Shelldon Koopa, and if you get both cultural references there, you’re a massive geek.

I spend too much time on Twitter and Instagram, on both of them I'm @_simeonsmith and my website is