Scanning - introduction to the series.

Scanning - introduction to the series.

We seem to get a constant stream of questions about scanning in the Film Shooters Collective, very often resulting from a lack of familiarity with the terminology used or from the fact that someone has set a level of expectation very high but are not using software properly or in such a way that prevents them from meeting these high expectations. Fear not! Between us, we have some very experienced "scanners" who can lead you through the maze that seems to be set out with this subject.

Rolling my own

Rolling my own

One of the (many) reasons I am a dedicated film photographer is the tactile element:  I like to be able to make things myself, with my own hands.  I want to get elbow deep into the process, literally.  This is not so much about control as it is about making something organically, and minimizing waste; so, I roll my own 35 mm film.  It's a little bit fiddly, and most likely character building, but it isn't rocket science and can be done just about anywhere, even without a darkroom.  Here I present to you my very un-scientific, somewhat seat-of-my-pants procedure.