
Curated Photos | November 2nd, 2015 | Cameron Kline

Curated Photos | November 2nd, 2015 | Cameron Kline

If you ask anyone from San Diego, CA about the Fall they will undoubtedly tell you that San Diego has one and that it's the best in the country. They're also experts on beer, though I surmise anyone from Portland may disagree, and they come out of the woodwork to tell you about the beach. When I tell people that I'm longing for a real fall they look at me with bewilderment. I tell them that in parts of the country leaves change colors and fall from trees. I tell them about the Fall run Chinook Salmon and what a site that is to see. And I tell them about how the fog rolls through the mountain in places like the Columbia River Gorge and on crisp Tennessee mornings. You'll know you've described Fall adequately if they look at you and ask if you like the beach.  

Curated Photos | October 5th, 2015 | Cameron Kline

Curated Photos | October 5th, 2015 | Cameron Kline

I chose a wide variety of photos this week for our first attempt at a curated photostream, and there's a lot of great photos this week. Some of the photos remind me of home or places I think of as being home, and I've been contemplative about that a lot this week so that's the reason for some of my choices.