Spring 2020 Polaroid Week Roundup | Urizen Freaza

Dear FSC friends, this is Urizen Freaza.

Polaroid Week was a month ago; as usual it takes me a while to get this roundup ready! I'm going to blame the fantastic quality of the submissions and my indecisiveness, because it's true and sounds better than blaming my poor organization skills. So, first, sorry that it took so long! And secondly, a thousand thanks to all the contributing photographers.

Polaroid Week has been around since 2006, can you imagine? That's a project surviving 14 years and going stronger and stronger every year. That's beautiful. And now with all the weirdness of lockdowns and 'the new normal' and the distance and the closeness... I was amazed to see as many instant photographers, if not more, participating and sharing their passion. Finding workarounds and solutions to post new work that knocked our socks off (depending on your show size and your taste, of course). Twice per day, for six days in a row, like BAM-BAM, BAM-BAM and 8 more BAMs!

It sounds silly and childish, but this is my tribe. I've been shooting (mainly and mostly) Polaroids for 15 years now, and in a (as said, silly and childish) way it has turned into part of my identity somehow. When I discover new instant photographers, when I see what the old pals have been up to, when I see we are more every time... it makes me happy.

Here's a humble and imperfect roundup of the photos submitted to Film Shooters Collective, and the ones tagged as #fscpolaroid on Instagram during Spring Roid Week 2020. Please go check the artists’ profiles, and if you like what you see, follow them and show them love. And most importantly, check out the Polaroid Week pool on Flickr, on Twitter, and on Instagram .


Urizen Freaza was born in Tenerife in 1982 and is since 2010 based in Berlin. He's a self-taught photographer and film-maker. Self-taught meaning that this is a path he's still walking, while hoping there is always more path to walk. He's a member of the Film Shooters Collective and part of the team behind the analogueNOW! festival in Berlin. See more of his work on his website and on Instagram.