Holiday Cheer | Katya Rowny

The joy of brightening other lives becomes for us the magic of the holidays.” – W.C. Jones

Some of my fondest holiday memories are from my childhood and the traditions that my family would partake in. As I grew older and the traditions fell away, I found myself wanting to re-create those wonderful moments with my own family. I realized that the joy I felt as a kid was the togetherness of family and feeling like I belonged. So during this season of whimsical jubilation, my wish for you is that you are able to find your own pocket of holiday cheer in whatever form that takes. From all of us here at Film Shooters Collective, Happy Holidays to you and yours!

BY: Sarah Jean

BY: Sabine Kranich

BY: Mark Brady

BY:  Terry Kellam

BY:  Sarah Kivell


Katya Rowny is an analog photographer based in the PNW. You can find her work on her website.