The days are getting darker and colder, so naturally we find ourselves drawn to light and warmth. Warm company, warm fires, the lights of the holiday decorations that start popping up around this time of year. This month I was hoping to find some of that warmth in your submissions. Herb Dolphy managed to catch those last rays of warm sunlight I’m sure we’re all holding onto, and Hernando Conwi’s theatre lights reminded me of those holiday decorations I’m so excited to see. Iva Mochorova’s Kiss beautifully captured some warm company. Your photos have me forgetting the cold already. Thank you all for sharing your work, and I look forward to seeing your submissions again next month.
Fall Colour on the other Side of the Oxtongue River | Nikon F3HP | Kodak Ektar 100 | Bill Smith
Canicule dans les Cévennes | Pentaxmx 50mm | Herb Dolphy
Marquee | Leica M6 Ultramax | Hernando Conwi
Kiss | Canon EOS 5 | Iva Mochrova
First of the Roll | Leica M4-P | Kodak Gold | Nathanaël Fournier
Nguni Cattle | Polaroid Land Camera 180 | Stefanie Heider
The FSC features articles with a Curated Photostreams that are open to all. You may only submit one (1) photo and it *must* be a jpeg file and no larger than 20 MB. Please title the file "Title_Camera_Film_YourName.jpg" so that we may properly credit you if your photo is selected. Remember to check our Submit page to see all currently open photostreams.
My next curation is November 23, 2020, and there will be no theme, it will be open to all film formats. You may submit your image here.
Abigail Crone is a Polaroid photographer from Pennsylvania. She’s almost always wandering down a city street or through a nearby forest with a camera hanging around her neck. You can see more of her work here or follow her on Instagram.