For this month’s photo stream there was no theme, but I could see an interesting contrast between the urban world of humans and nature. Collin Örthner’s and Marlon Marqueses’ urban photos feel empty and cold rendered in stark black and white, beautifully composed urban photos that leave a sense of loneliness. Franco Zanotti leads us into the meeting of the human world and nature, and suddenly there is color and warmth. Despite there being a certain emptiness in this photo as well, the scene feels much less isolating. I always enjoy seeing these ideas emerge from your submissions without themes. Thank you once again for sharing your work with me, and I look forward to seeing your photos again next month.
Canon AV-1 | Marlon Marqueses
Gelateria | Canon FT | Franco Carino Zanotti
Flower Shower | Rolleflex 2.8F | Louis A. Sousa
Gibson Block | Zone VI 4x5 | Collin J Örthner
Vanessa Carson
The FSC features articles with a Curated Photostreams that are open to all. You may only submit one (1) photo and it *must* be a jpeg file and no larger than 20 MB. Please title the file "Title_Camera_Film_YourName.jpg" so that we may properly credit you if your photo is selected. Remember to check our Submit page to see all currently open photostreams.
My next curation is November 16, 2021, and there is no theme, it will be open to all film formats. You may submit your image here.
Abigail Crone is a Polaroid photographer from Pennsylvania. She’s almost always wandering down a city street or through a nearby forest with a camera hanging around her neck. You can see more of her work here or follow her on Instagram.