Curated Photos | May 23, 2016 | Amy Jasek

"All your life / You were only waiting for this moment to be free."

Oh wanderlust! Sometimes, when I think about what my ultimate job would be, I like to dream about getting paid to travel, photograph what I find in each place, and write about it.  Then I remember that there are probably about 4 million other people in line for that job, plus I am a mother and have another life to live right now, and also I really love my home.  But you get the idea: I pretty much always want to travel more than reality (and my bank account) allows.  I'm sure that I am not alone in this.  

It's almost summer vacation at my house, however, which means weeks and weeks of wonderful formless days, sunshine, water, freedom, and a road trip that we have been anticipating for two years (since the last one).  We are not planners; we just pack, gas up the truck, and go.  The theme of wanderlust seemed like an easy choice, even if picking from the excellent work submitted was not.  

Where will your road take you?  Who will you meet?  What will you see?  And how much will you change as your journey progresses? Hopefully these photographs will inspire you to wander a little, even if it's only in your mind as you gaze out the open window.

Next week Ruby Falls will curate an open / no theme photostream.  Submit your masterpieces here!  

Amy Jasek

Photography is a family tradition. I was raised in the darkroom, and on the fine art work of photographers like Edward Weston, Diane Arbus, and Ansel Adams. My father took me photographing with him regularly and taught me how to look at light. He gave me my first camera (an Olympus RC); I made my first black and white print (standing on a stool!) at the age of 7. There are some gaps in the timeline of my photographic journey, enforced upon it by life in general, but film and cameras are one of the few things that have remained constant every step of the way. For me, photography is all about moments and truth. I like to work in black and white so that I can highlight those two things. The truth, form, and simplicity of the moment is presented; I feel that removing the color from the scene brings these things out. I believe street photography is a little window into the heart and soul of a place, a time, and the people in it. These days I tend more toward street portraits and interaction with my subjects, but my drive for capturing the candid moment remains the same.