Yin and Yang, Mutt and Jeff, Peanut Butter and Jelly: I guess I have a penchant for good things that come in pairs, such as the submissions for my theme-less week of curation. When I looked at the beautiful work that came in, this is what I saw!
Next week Ruby Falls will be curating, with the theme of Portraits. You can submit your work here . We look forward to seeing what you share with us! One photo only, please, and be sure to follow the guidelines for labeling.

Magnolia | Hasselblad 500cm 80mm CT | Fuji Pro 160NS | Aaron Bieleck

red orchid | bronica sqa | 110mm lens | provia 100f | howard sandler

Off Center | Fujica GL690 | Kodak TriX 400 | Achim Burgardt

San Francisco CA Real Estate 2 2016 | TriX | Silver Gelatin Print | Hasselblad 500CM 80mm Planar | PeterKarnig

untitled | nikkormat ftn 50mm f2 | brandon mulcahy

Forest Park Morning Fog | Minolta X700 50mm | Sarah Taft

Generations | Holga 120 | Jocelyn Mathewes

Montauk Point Lighthouse | Pentax 6x7 | Ektar @400 | JamesSingson

whack | mamiya7 43mm | ilford HP5plus | Jane McLoughlin

Take a Seat | Bessa R | Jupiter 8 50mm | Fuji Superia 200 | Robert Law

golden hour | Leica M6 | Zeiss C Biogon 35mm f2.8 | Argenti ARF+ | HC 110 | lilly schwartz

drive by | leica m5 | zeiss sonnar 50mm f1.5 | trix | matthew landers (alexander bendo)

Miniatures | Nikon FM3A | Nikkor 50mm 1.2Ais | Fuji 400H | Marian Tudor

All That Remains | Mamiya6 | mamiya 75mm Gf3 5 | Portra 400 | michael fauscette

Miley | Nikon 35Ti | Cameron Kline