CURATED PHOTOS | APRIL 18, 2016 | MICHAEL BEHLEN | Film Shooters Collective


This week's curated photo stream's theme was Blur! The theme was of course open to our member's interpretation which resulted in a wide variety of images in different formats, subjects, and color profiles. The images below show us how different all of us shoot with such different gear load outs. We start with a calming black and white seascape and end with the colorful hustle and bustle of an urban center. In between you will find a mysterious self portrait and an abstract plastic dancer. Please enjoy all of the following photos and spend some time with them to discover all the small details hiding within all of them.

Next week will be curated by Amy Jasek and there is no theme. You may submit your photo (just one please per week) here


Michael Behlen is a photography enthusiast from Fresno, CA. He works in finance and spends his free time shooting instant film and seeing live music, usually a combination of the two. Check out his work here!

Michael Behlen

Michael Behlen is a photography enthusiast from Fresno, CA. He works in finance and spends his free time shooting instant film and seeing live music, usually a combination of the two. He has self- published two Polaroid photobooks--“Searching for Stillness, Vol. 1” and “I Was a Pioneer,” literally a boxed set of his instant film work. He exhibited a variety of his photos at Raizana Teas, a Fresno tea room and health food store; his work there, “Polaroid Prints of Landscapes and Strangers,” was up for viewing during the months of June and July, 2014. He has been published, been interviewed, and been reviewed in a quantity of magazines, from” F-Stop” and “ToneLit” to “The Film Shooter’s Collective.” He loves the magic sensuality of instant film: its saturated, surreal colors; the unpredictability of the medium; it’s addictive qualities as you watch it develop. Behlen is the founder and Publisher of “Pryme Magazine.” You can see his work here: