Marc Nagainis. Yup, that's me. Marc Nagainis. Born and raised in a small steel town (Sault Ste. Marie Ontario) I moved on in my early 20's, worked myself across Canada before settling in Ottawa Ontario Canada.
I'm a parent, a husband, an ex chef and a computer geek (not a nerd). I've been a lot of things, I will be lots of other things but what I've always been is a photographer. I'm not a pro, I'm strictly amateur and I wouldn't have it any other way, photography is my passion and my reward. I can shoot anything I want to, when I want. Being an amateur allows me this freedom.
I got my start in photography much like I think most of us did, from a parent and my siblings. My brothers had a darkroom in the basement while they were in high school and while they were out partying (it was the early 70's after all) I would sneak down there first as a pre-teen, and teach myself to print their negs. I loved the smell of the darkroom. When i was 12 my father, an an avid photographer himself as well as a Nikon man, bought me my first camera, an all black Ricoh KR-5. I shot the crap out of that camera till it quite literally froze up and fell apart in the late 90's. Since then I've documented the world around me to the tune of thousands of sleeves of negatives and 25,000 + digital files. I own both digital and analogue cameras, but I have shot mainly film for the last 3 years. I develop B&W and colour at home, and print B&W in my darkroom. I hope you enjoy my work.