Film Shooters Collective

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Winter is a difficult time for me creatively, inevitably I always go into partial hibernation mode, and my cameras collect a bit of dust. Something about these photos gave me the slightest reminder of spring. There’s a lazy warm comfort to them that makes me think of flowers and walks in the park. That could just be my own wishful thinking, but I hope you see it too. 

Thank you for all of your beautiful submissions.


Every week the FSC features an article with a Curated Photostream that is open to all.  You may only submit one (1) photo and it *must* be a jpeg file and no larger than 20 MB. Please title the file "Title_Camera_Film_YourName.jpg" so that we may properly credit you if your photo is selected.  

Please note that we will be changing how we announce and handle submissions in a few weeks.  Essentially, each curator will announce the theme for their next curation rather than the next week.  We will be adding a Submissions Page to the site so that readers can see all the information and links to submit in one place.  

My next Polaroid Roundup will be February 22 and the theme is "Liminal."  The beginning of a new year is a liminal time, it's a period of change and new beginnings. Anything that represents movement from one state to another, anything representing a change or crossroad can be liminal. It's a word that is really open to different interpretations, but a new year is the perfect time to reflect on its meaning. You may submit your image here.  


Abigail Crone is a Polaroid photographer from Pennsylvania. She’s almost always wandering down a city street or through a nearby forest with a camera hanging around her neck.  You can see more of her work here or follow her on Instagram.